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Facebook is an incredibly useful tool for promoting your websiteand business activity to a wide audience. There are a number of great tools provided by Facebook for exactly this, so lets just run through a few of the features available to you.

Lets take a look at some great Facebook Tips.

Facebook About and Info text boxes

If you have a Facebook Group or Page, both allow you to add large chunks of information about you or your business so making good use of these is key. Include “key words” in both these boxes along with details such as address, post code and details of your business products or services. Doing this will increase the chances of your page/group appearing in related Google searches. It’s important to remember that the “About” box in particular represents the highest place in the page structure where users can place large chunks of relevant text.

You can also add a direct link back to your website by including your URL in the website address box.

Link to your website from Facebook

Status updates are a great way of placing direct links to your website near the top of the page structure. You can do this in two ways:

Include the link in the status update itself

When including the link in the status update, Facebook will auto link the text to the website URL. This link goes directly to the destination page and not through a facebook.com URL.

Use “Attach Link”

When using this feature, Facebook collects the Title, Body and Images from the linked page and suggests a thumbnail image. You can choose which thumbnail to use from the images available by clicking on the arrow below the suggested thumbnail.

An important point to note here is that the link will no go directly to the destination page. Instead it goes through a facebok.com URL.

Link to your Facebook Page or Group from your website

Place links to your Facebook page or group from your website to help boost it’s page rank. You can do this with a simple text link or by using one of the “Facebook Badges”. Read more about Facebook Badges.

Add Photos, Events, and a Discussion Forum

Sharing regular content on Facebook is the most obvious way of engaging your fans and drawing in new ones, but it’s important to make the most of all descriptive fields when doing so. Use keyword dense descriptions when posting new photos. When creating Events, spend some time thinking about the text you use. Ensure you place the keywords which you want to rank for in the description field. Finally, make good use of the discussion forum feature.

In conclusion

It takes time and effort to build up a presence on Facebook, but by using all the tools available you can encourage more clicks through to your website. Additionally, building up a good Facebook fan base will help improve your page or groups performance in search engines and maximise your online presence.

I hope you found this small guide useful, and that it’s given you some good starting points. Please do feel free to email if you have any tips of your own which you would like to share with others, or if you have any comments or questions.

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